Welcome to the start of your journey

It all starts with an idea

One way to look at our lives is a path through the forest. There are many forests all over the world and each has their own obstacles different to the individuals. We cannot compare our lives to the lives of others as our paths are all different. The choices we make in life, our childhood experiences, our adolescent experiences, and our adult experiences are what guide the course of our paths and how we face obstacles/challenges. When we look back behind us, the path we walked is covered in stones that represent what guided us. We do not go back in life; we would have to relive things. We get stalled with an obstacle, such as uneven ground, a tree limb, a fallen tree, a boulder, a mud hole, etc. How we approach the obstacle is how we move forward on life’s path. No two paths are alike, comparing them is unfair as there are differences in the stones behind you and differences in what lies in the path ahead of you. Just because one friend is at a certain status in life does not mean that is where you should be, you both have had different life experiences and your paths are not the same.


  • There are no certain approaches that are routinely used. Each person experiences countless variables in life that others will not, and each has different perspectives of the same experience (ex, watching a vehicle accident); traumas are not comparable as each person's life experiences make their trauma unique to them. Therefore, one therapy approach does not fit every individual and does not work with every situation. Each approach in therapy is based on the needs and experiences of the individual

  • Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, PTSD, C-PTSD, Sexual Abuse, Domestic Abuse/Violence, Therapists, Military/Veterans, First Responders, Personality Disorders, ADHD · Adolescents/Teens, Behavioral Issues, Bipolar Disorder, Career Counseling, Child Abuse or Neglect, Codependency, Coping Skills, Divorce, Job Stress, Life Transitions, Parenting, Self Esteem · Self-Harming, Stress, Suicidal Ideation, Teen Violence, Women's Issues , Men’s Issues

What are sessions like?

Sessions are telehealth - video and audio sessions

My approach

Each approach in therapy is based on the needs and experiences of the individual. All approaches should contain compassion, patience, guidance, listening, and encouragement of growth. To help you walk your path to growth, healing, new behaviors, and confidence, I will use every therapy tool available to give you the best care. I come from a place of understanding many complex situations in life, allowing me to truly "get" my people and what they have experienced.

It is important to take the time to get to know people, and they also get to know me. There is an approach of patience, no judgment, acceptance, believing in you, and having your back in the progress. There is no rush in therapy, as time is taken to explore experiences in life and behaviors that are being experienced.

We will try different approaches that are relevant to what you are wanting to work through. We can take time to make associations between experiences along the path of life and what is being experienced in the present if this is relevant to the present struggle. We can explore ways to feel better about self and life. We can work through childhood traumas and do trauma/emotions parts work to process associated emotions and behaviors. We can work on issues with work and how to deal with situations experienced in it. We can talk on the struggles of being a new parents and how to come out of depression with it.

Each person will have experienced different things; we can find the best approach to what you are needing.

My communication style

Creating a friendly and welcoming environment with a light tone can be expected. There is not a constant focus on the negatives to where you dread having sessions. I like to create a mood where you look forward to sessions and feel comfortable communicating anything you are thinking and feeling. A clinical feeling is not always comfortable to each person; my style is more laid back and personable. If you prefer a clinical environment or approach, my style may not fit your preference.


The approach to goal setting is based on your needs. Some like to journal, some like affirmations, some like art - as long as you are willing to try different things then goals can be met. The intention through meeting the goals is to help the progress to move forward and minimize the stress in the tasks.

Our first session

The first session is where you decide if you feel safe, accepted, understood, and comforted by the therapist. First sessions are always icebreakers and touching base on different things. We identify current struggles and, have some explorations of the past, and work to see what is the best path to feeling better and even healing. This is kept light, and I try to establish a level of comfort you welcome for your therapy journey.

Our following sessions

We talk like regular people getting to know each other to develop a more safe and understood place. We touch on things that are a struggle but do not sit in them the entire time. You do not always have to have a struggle or something negative to do a session, sometimes you can just talk to vent about day-to-day, be heard and validated. Do not add stress to self feeling you are wasting your time, we still discover things through simple talks. There will be an array of emotions felt through sessions; this is part of the journey. Your journey is in your control, I am only walking the path with you as you grow, gain strength, and walk tall.

Welcome to your therapy journey

Explore your inner world, embrace your emotions, and let healing begin. Your mental well-being matters, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Together, we'll navigate the path to a brighter tomorrow. Each step taken is a step of self-love and we will help you embrace the movement with each step

Take a deep breath and join us on this journey of self-discovery and healing